St Nicolas CE Primary School

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01273 418026

St Nicolas CE Primary School

Learning to live... together. Guided by Christian values.


 School Uniform Information Sheet 2018 .pdfDownload
 School Uniform Poster.pdfDownload
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School Uniform Code

We feel that our school uniform helps to promote a sense of belonging and pride in the school, while solving the problem of “what to wear today”. The guiding principle is that it should be smart and practical and reduce the pressure on pupils and parents to ‘follow the fashion’.

Uniform consists of:

Grey jumper, sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan
Grey or black skirt / grey or black trousers
White polo shirt or shirt
Sensible black shoes*


Leggings can be worn but must be under shorts or a skirt.

* Shoes may be trainer type though leather are better for your child’s feet. They must be plain black and not branded sports trainers. Knee boots and shoes with large heels should also not be bought as school shoes. Open toed sandals are also not appropriate.
P.E. Uniform

Black T-Shirt (Plain - i.e. with no logos)
Black shorts
Indoors: black plimsolls
Outdoors: Trainers
Other Optional Items

Reversible fleece / rain coat
School tie
Sports socks (for PE)
In the winter children can have a warm tracksuit or sweatshirt and jogging bottoms. These can be any type. The children will wear their PE uniform underneath.
Optional Summer Variation

Blue gingham dress
Grey or black tailored shorts (i.e. not sports shorts)
Uniform should either be plain or have the school logo on it. No branded sports sweatshirts or polo shirts.
Purchasing School Uniform
To purchase uniform you can either visit the shop of Logo Sport near Hove station or go to the website:

Shop Website

Contact Details
Logo Sports
Industrial House
Conway Street
East Sussex

Tel: 01273 321209


For both health and safety and security reasons we prefer children to wear no jewellery at all in school. Though we discourage the wearing of earrings, the children are permitted to wear one simple stud earring in each ear. However, these must be removed for all PE lessons including swimming. The school can provide clear plastic bags to keep them in, though they remain the responsibility of the child. It is vital that children wearing earrings are able to remove them without assistance or that they are sent to school without earrings on PE days. The only other permitted jewellery is a watch which must, again, be removed for PE and remains the responsibility of the child at all times.