About Us
Welcome from the head...
I feel very fortunate to work at St Nics. I love it here!
We have great buildings and a huge amount of space for sport and outdoor learning. The school is within easy walking distance of the sea and the Downs and Portslade Village has a long and fascinating history! All of this helps us to provide the rich and stimulating learning experiences that I want for our children.
Our Christian ethos is strongly evident in the way we nurture respectful relationships and encourage our children to make the best use of their talents in service of their community - as well as in our joyful singing. Our ‘Golden Rule’ is to treat others in the way you would like them to treat you. We try to live as a family where everyone cares for the needs of each other.
Our children, parents, staff and governors are proud of our school but we will never be satisfied. We are continually striving for excellence. We all work hard to learn new things every day and our children will develop habits of learning and attitudes to others that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. This is a place where we ‘learn to live... together’.
Andy Richbell
‘I love the community spirit; it feels like a family’.
A Parent