St Nicolas CE Primary School

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St Nicolas CE Primary School

Learning to live... together. Guided by Christian values.

The Governors

Meet The Governors


St Nicolas has 12 governor posts made up of parents, people from the local community, staff from school, and representatives from the local authority and diocese. 


Jenn Moisander - Staff Governor

Beth Linfield-Smith - Parent Governor

Valeria Capranelli - Clerk to the Governors

Caroline Stabb - Foundation Governor

Andy Richbell - Headteacher & Ex-Officio Staff Governor

Rev. David Swyer - Ex-Officio Foundation Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)

Michelle Turner - Local Authority Governor

Katy Twyning - Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

Carly Dockerill - Parent Governor

Sandy Matthews - Foundation Governor

Larne Fuller - Foundation Governor

Liz Haywood - Foundation Governor


The Governor Diversity data is confidential but is regularly analysed by the board and used in recruitment and training to ensure governors reflect the communities they serve.

What do governors do?

Governors are there to make sure the school is being run well and the teaching is of a high standard. Governors are responsible for major decisions about the school and its future. For instance they set the annual budget, and approve targets and policies for the school. They also appoint the headteacher and senior staff and are usually involved in recruiting teaching staff.
While the headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, governors look at the bigger picture. Governors are answerable to parents and the local authority for the school’s performance. As well as supporting the school and staff, governors are expected to challenge or question the performance of the headteacher and school, when they consider this necessary.
Governors are involved in dealing with complaints from parents. Parents are encouraged to approach their child’s teacher and/or the Head teacher in the first instance. Governors only become involved when satisfactory resolution of the complaint has not been possible.

How are governors chosen?

Parent governors are elected by parents and Brighton & Hove appoints the Local Authority governor. The staff governor is elected by St Nicolas staff. All governors initially serve for a period of four years. At the end of the four years, they can stand for re-election or be re-appointed. Governors are free to resign before the end of their four year term if they so wish. Whenever there is a vacancy for a parent governor, this is advertised in newsletters and posters, with details on the election process.

How can I contact the school governors?

The governors have a pigeon hole in the school office where messages and letters can be posted. Any notes or letters handed in at the office will be passed on confidentially. You can also call the school office and ask to be put in touch with or meet one of the governors.

What does it take to be a governor?

Governors don’t need any special qualifications. They just need enthusiasm, commitment, and an interest in contributing to the school. They also need good inter-personal skills, appropriate levels of literacy, sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data, and a willingness to learn. Training is provided for governors, and experienced governors are expected to act as mentors to new governors when they first join. To meet legal duties for safeguarding children, all governors have to undergo a DBS check.

How much time does it take to be a governor?

Governors spend about 6 hours a month on school matters during school terms. They attend a full governing body meeting once or twice a term, usually at 6.30 pm on a Tuesday evening and lasting for about two hours. Governors are also expected to sit on at least one of the smaller committees which look at specific areas of school life. These committees meet twice a term. Governors also spend time outside reading papers, visiting the school and attending training. If not chairing the Governing Body or a committee, governors are expected to develop their understanding of one specific area in more depth to act as link governor for that area governors are volunteers and don’t get paid. However, they can claim expenses for any costs that they reasonably incur in their role as governor – such as the cost of paying a childminder so they can attend meetings.

Statutory Information Including Register of Attendance At Meetings

 Governor Information 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Governors Meetings-2023-2024.pdfDownload
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